Friday, December 19, 2008

Me and this blog thing...not great friends...

So I must admit that I am not very good about updating this blog. By the time I get home from work the last thing I want to do is spend more time on the computer. But over the break I am going to try to catch up...

So what's been going on with the Bracken's you might ask...well alot, we've celebrated our first anniversary, been to jazz games, finished another semester of school, sent out missionaries, gone on road much to talk about and so little time.

One thing we did recently was we went to an autograph session with Kyle Korver after a Jazz game. The deal was you had to bring a child's coat to donate and then you got to get his autograph. So we did. It was tons of fun, the game was good...and we got to see Kyle, which if some of you don't know, he is gorgeous!! loving husband bought the tickets for our anniversary, and sat through the whole thing with me and his sisters. He's such a trooper!!

Isn't he just gorgeous!!!!
Yeah...that's Kyle, signing my shirt!!!

Jaren only wishes he could dunk!!!

Melissa, Leslie & I sporting our true colors!!!

Jaren & I at the game...