So I must admit that I am not very good about updating this blog. By the time I get home from work the last thing I want to do is spend more time on the computer. But over the break I am going to try to catch up...
So what's been going on with the Bracken's you might ask...well alot, we've celebrated our first anniversary, been to jazz games, finished another semester of school, sent out missionaries, gone on road much to talk about and so little time.
One thing we did recently was we went to an autograph session with Kyle Korver after a Jazz game. The deal was you had to bring a child's coat to donate and then you got to get his autograph. So we did. It was tons of fun, the game was good...and we got to see Kyle, which if some of you don't know, he is gorgeous!! loving husband bought the tickets for our anniversary, and sat through the whole thing with me and his sisters. He's such a trooper!!
Isn't he just gorgeous!!!! Yeah...that's Kyle, signing my shirt!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Me and this blog thing...not great friends...
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 12:50 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 26, 2008
2 Weeks and Counting...
I have been an awful blogger. I don't spend any time doing it, but I keep telling myself I am going to be better. But I just wanted to make a special little note exactly two weeks from today Jaren and I will have been married for 1 year. CRAZY!!! I know. It is hard to believe that a year has already flown by. It has been wonderful...and we look forward to many years to come!!!
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 9:11 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Random Pictures
Jaren and I have had quite the year. Its crazy to think that it has been one month shy of a year. We have grown together and learned to love each other more and more each day. We have been on tons of adventures. We went to Nevada on vacation for my grandparents missionary farewell, visiting Lake Tahoe, Virginia City, and other interesting sites. This summer we bought season passes to Lagoon, which we thoroughly enjoyed. We "babysat" my little brother while my parents went to Arizona. It has been quite the year. We have made tons of memories and look forward to making even more!!
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 5:18 PM 2 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
My First Post
Hi there, Jaren here.
I decided that I like the idea of having this blog, but as couple we're not doing too much to keep it updated and having done absolutely nothing myself, I decided I should try.
Just to update you a little on our lives, nothing much has changed. Aub is cheerfully cutting all sorts of immigrant hair at the SLCC student salon and I continue to break and then fix (most of the time) all things network at HeritageWest Credit Union, which shall be henceforth known on this blog as the H-Dub. Aside from the usual day to day schtuff going on, our lives aren't comprised of much these days. We get up at 6, Aub gets ready and goes to school at 7, and after a heathly dose of Family Guy I get ready and leave sometime before 8. After work/school/whatever else our schedules hold, which isn't much besides Young Men's for me Wednesday nights, Aub and I usually come home, eat dinner, (maybe) clean up around the house a little, catch up on some ER/Ghost Hunters, and then collapse in bed between 9:45 and 10:30. Yeah, thrilling eh? Definitely not the most exciting lifestyle for two young, newlyweds in the big city, but hey we kind of like it and generally enjoy the time we spend together no matter what we're doing. :)
Well that's a good little introduction and a nice place to leave you for now. I hope to be updating this more regularly, so until next time, enjoy this awesome photo of my wonderful wife and I on our wedding day. It's one of my favorites, so I've conveinently placed it in our profile. Over there ->.
Till next time, dis here Karl Malone.
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
So I have the most wonderful husband in the world, don't tell him that though, it will get to his head.
So I have, get, to go back to school tomorrow. I am very excited, yet a little nervous. Jaren has been telling me for a couple weeks we just need to take a day and go have fun before I go back. Well I procrastinated and didn't do it. I figured there will be time later to do that. But little did I know that Jaren had a little plan worked out already. When we went to bed Sunday night Jaren said to me, What would you say if I told you that I took tomorrow off work. I just said ok, and he followed with, well what would you say if I told you that I took off work tomorrow for you too, and I said well I can't take off work tomorrow, so you didn't. And went to sleep. Well the next morning when Jaren didn't wake up for work, I kinda realized he was telling the truth. We had the entire day to do whatever we wanted! We went to breakfast at IHOP and then went to the Zoo. I haven't been to the zoo in forever!! It was tons of fun!! Amongst his plans Jaren had made reservations at the Castle Creek Inn. So we then went to the inn and spent the night! It was tons of fun, and the room was gorgeous. It was a great way to have one last play day before school started!! Hence the reason my hubby is wonderful!!
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 4:13 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
New Job, New School Year...So much fun!!
The summer has just flown by. I was thinking this morning and nearly panicked when I realized that I go back to school in a week. It is crazy how quickly it has gone. I am ready to be going back to school and to be able to have more stuff to fill my time. I am also starting a new job on September 2nd. So it will just be an exciting time. YAY!!
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 2:39 PM 0 comments
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Mini bueno...
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 9:27 PM 0 comments
Jaren's (early) Birthday
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 9:16 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
Well, here we go. The first blog. Lacey suggested that I start a blog, and Jaren agreed. So here it is. Jaren and I have now been married for over 8 months. It is crazy to think that it has been that long. It seems like time has just flown. It has been a crazy 8 months!! Being married is definately an adventure. But marrying my best friend was the best thing I ever did!
Posted by Aubrey & Jaren Bracken at 1:08 PM 1 comments